Monday, January 17, 2011

Say No to Dieting, Say yes to Lifestyle change.

Many people right now are trying to commit to their new years resolution of losing weight. Many people will actually achieve their goals only to regain all their weight a short time later. The Key to sustained weight loss is not dieting but a complete change in lifestyle. That means eating healthier with smaller portions. You can still eat some of your favorite foods, but not all the time and not in those huge American portions. Eat more fruits, vegetable, and lean meats like chicken, turkey, or even lean cuts of beef. Whole grains are the best source of complex carbs, and try to consume most of your carbs earlier in the day. And whatever you do cut all the soda pop and sugary drinks which are pure wasted calories. Dairy's are good in moderation, try to buy skim or low fat varieties. Take a multi vitamin, especially if you can't get that many fruits and vegetables throughout the day. While I am a big fan of organic and naturally grown foods.
Exercise of course is another key to a lifestyle change. Both Men and Women should do both strength training and cardio training. Strength training will build muscle and strengthen bones which will help build and sustain a faster metabolism. Don't hesitate to change things up, do something you enjoy like sports, dancing, or whatever you enjoy that involves strenuous physical exercise. The important thing is to stay active daily.
Honestly there is no magic pill or program that will maintain weight loss. Diet and exercise are and will continue to be the only way to achieve your goals of losing weight and staying healthy.

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